Brian’s Eye

Age-related Macular Degeneration Choroidal Neo-Vascularization

AMD Research Information Available

Most people rely on their eyes to traverse the world around them and because of that your eyes are an important part of your health. At Brian’s Eye, we’ll cover various eye diseases including age-related macular degeneration and vision loss. It is important to identify and treat eye conditions as soon as possible.


Brian’s Eye Story

The Christmas of 1995 will be one which I shall never forget. With all the normal hustle and bustle of pre-Christmas organizing we sometimes ignore what's going on inside our own bodies. Then comes the stark reality that something is wrong. That is what happened to me and I hope it never happens to you. In these next few pages I shall tell you about an eye disease that I developed and how I came to grips with it. I spent the better part of a month scouring the Internet for information relating to AMD and CNV in hopes of understanding what my future held. I have included numerous links to other AMD and Ophthalmology pages and I'll show you some really gross pictures of my own eyes if you like. If you know what to watch out for, you might be able to receive treatment before its too late.


Knowledge is a powerful drug that soothes the soul but only if taken in the right quantity and used with the right attitude.